Sunday, August 27, 2017

End of the Summer

When the plants start going to seed is when you know the season is starting to wind down.  They are preparing to make sure their ancestors live on next year.  Here is an artichoke going to seed, first with it's purple-ish flowering on top.

Some bread M. made:

Summer's swan song -- eating watermelon...

More homemade pasta with roasted garden vegetables.

My garden, porch, and daily companion (aside from M.).  :)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

CSA Week #8

This week's CSA share: kale, lettuces, peppers, tomatoes, beans, eggplant, carrots.

Scrambled eggs from our chickens, microgreens grow by me, and grape tomatoes from the garden.  Yum!

Got all the fall lettuces in this week as well -- always planning ahead!

This is golden beet juice -- beet is good for detoxifying the liver.

Also on the menu this week was some homemade egg pasta with a golden tomato sauce we made from our golden tomatoes.  This was a meal to remember, for sure.