Showing posts with label CSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSA. Show all posts

Monday, July 31, 2017

CSA Week #7

Our CSA this week included kale, beets, beans, ground cherries, carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, and cantaloupe.

We've also been playing around more with making bouquets with the limited flowers we have growing in the garden this year.

Also - I grew these ARTICHOKES from seed!  To be able to grow my favorite vegetable is just incredibly gratifying!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

CSA Week #2 & Some Firsts...

This week's CSA included head lettuce, red/white onion, spinach, collards, arugula, kale, radishes, live microgreens, and a potted petunia.

Some "firsts" here on the farm are our first strawberries from our newly established Seascape strawberry patch.

And also here is the first flower I've ever grown from seed (I know it's hard to believe, but I'm only just getting into flowers).  It's an English Daisy.

Annnnnd, for lunch this week is.... salad again!  Truth be told, I eat salad all year long, but it always tastes better when it's grown right outside my door.  😁

Friday, May 26, 2017

CSA Week #1 & Spring on the Farm

Last week was the first CSA share pick-up of the season at Knapp Homestead.  It was a good early harvest of greens, mostly.

First share: head lettuce, baby radicchio, baby spinach, arugula, picnic radishes, kale, microgreens, and a potted herb seedling.

Other spring images from around the market garden...

Leaf and head lettuces planted out early spring in low tunnels.

Our personal potato crop is looking great this year.

We've also started a small strawberry patch of Seascape strawberries.  I'm looking forward to a long summer season of continuous harvest from these.